Never Summer Funslinger Snowboard - Men's
Never Summer Funslinger Snowboard - Men's
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5 star board
Posted by Caelan Sims (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/19/2018

Pros: Really flexible, super fun in the park
Cons: The price

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I got to demo this board last year and was really impressed. This board was a blast to ride. The board was super fun in the park and handled well. Only problem I had with the board was how soft it was when landing. This board is worth every penny.

dope board
Posted by Owen Bergere (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/16/2018

Pros: flex
Cons: price

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

i have the 2016 model. The board is so fun to ride on its really soft and fun to do tricks with, I also have taken it out in the woods and i had no problem riding with it.

5 star board
Posted by Joe Markley (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/2/2018

Pros: Super flexy, cool design, fun in t he park or on groomers too
Cons: Wide size has a white base which would get dirty easily in dirty snow

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I was fortunate to demo this board last season. I had heard all the hype about the Never Summers but had to try it for myself. I was super impressed. The board handled well in slushy conditions. It is not the most stable at fast speeds but it is super responsive and ridiculously flexible allowing for mad butters and presses. It jumps pretty well too but may wash out on big jumps due to the softness. Overall a blast to ride on groomers or in the park.