Crab Grab Cinch Mitten - Men's - Camo
Crab Grab Cinch Mitten - Men's
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Rad Mitten
Posted by Joe Markley (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/2/2018

Pros: well insulated, hip design, not too pricey
Cons: A little on the bulkier side but not too overwhelming

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Cool colors in the popular camo or all black. Mitten is well insulated. There is a strap on the wrist area to tighten your glove on your hand when your riding so they stay on and dont slip off. Also have a wrist tightener that will seal the mitt to your wrist under your jacket so no snow sneaks in. There is grip on the thumb for ultra sweet wicked hardcore grab action.