Union Flite pro Snowboard Bindings - Men's - Black
Union Flite pro Snowboard Bindings - Men's
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flite pros
Posted by Jack (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/29/2018

Pros: flex, straps
Cons: no warrenty on the high backs

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Got a snowboard? Now get the bindings...these ones. They've got a great flex on the high back for the guy that wants to huck it off knuckles or kickers in the park all day, to the guy that is just a butter pressing machine. and on the otherside perfectly stiff enough for the typical groomer

Flite Pro
Posted by Zach Jakuboski (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/18/2018

Pros: Soft, price, heel cup, tool less adjustment, toe strap is rubber
Cons: Ankle strap has a good amount of cushion making it less responsive

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Best bang for your buck when it comes to bindings. Soft flex in the high back for tweaking grabs and pressing. Aluminium heel cup and rubber toe straps adding extra durability