Crab Grab Snuggler Mitten - Men's - Black
Crab Grab Snuggler Mitten - Men's
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Who does not love to be snuggled
Posted by Stacy (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/31/2018

Pros: Warm, snuggly, fashionable, cozy, fun

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

If you are looking to get snuggled on the mountain then this is the mitt for you. From the time you put them on to the time you take then off your hand will feel like they are being snuggled. Keeping you warm and cozy all day.

Crab Grab Snuggler Mitten
Posted by Nate G (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/27/2017

Pros: warm
Cons: few colors

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Super warm glove with a nice bit of Crab Grab Style. Used this mitten in a white in Vermont and hands stayed nice a warm.