Swix F4 Glidewax Paste
Swix F4 Glidewax Paste
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Swix F4 Glidewax Paste
Posted by Nancy (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 11/3/2016

Pros: So easy to apply and the little effort is worth the smooth ride.
Cons: works even better if the board is room temp when applying.

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F4 Glidewax should be a mainstay in your ski or snowboard bag...never leave home (for a trip) without it! Especially for snowboarders who have to deal with a long traverse on any mountain. This little tin of wax is what keeps you moving ahead of the crowd when everyone else is stalled on the flats.

Posted by SLC (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/26/2016


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Great to keep your skis waxed in between tunes.