DC Mutiny Snowboard Boots - Men's - Black / Gold
DC Mutiny Snowboard Boots - Men's
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My favorite boot
Posted by Shaun (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 11/19/2016


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These boots are not very stiff but still respond well to slight foot movements. Very forgiving in the park and they lock in your heel really well. The padding is very comfy and they fit my wide feet nicely. Would recommend for park oriented riders are anyone looking for a responsive soft boot.

Personal favorite padding in boots
Posted by Joe Markley (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/5/2016

Pros: Cool color scheme, super comfy padding, decent support
Cons: wide top of boot, top of liner doesnt get too snug to shin

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I personally like the padding in the DC boots the best. They are super soft. These boots run pretty true to shoe size. The gold decals on the boot are pretty cool.The upper part of the boot is a bit thick but the lower part is slim. My heel stays in place pretty well when i go to make a turn. The boot does have some flex and isnt super stiff.