Burton Custom Flying V Snowboard - Men's - 155 (Wide)
Burton Custom Flying V Snowboard - Men's
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flying v
Posted by tyler (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/20/2016

Pros: price and all around good board for any riding style
Cons: there are none

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

just got this board a couple days ago didn't get a chance to ride it. but the style is stunning. The board is the best of both worlds you can hit parks to mts to powder no problem. its flexible but a nice tough camber under your feet great all around board. channel system really gives you more of a feel for the board.

A Staple in Burton's Line
Posted by Alex Gibson (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/13/2015

Pros: quality, flex, playfulness, performance

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

The Burton Custom has been a pivotal part of Burton's snowboard lineup for years. When you buy the Custom you can be assured you are getting an all-around board that is built to last.