Burton Clash Snowboard - Men's - 157 (Wide)
Burton Clash Snowboard - Men's
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Burton Clash Review
Posted by Zach (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/12/2015

Pros: No more V-Rocker!, softer board, channel system, great for the east coast conditions

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

If you are just starting out in the sport of snowboarding and want to buy your own board, this will is a solid choice. It used to be V-rocker and now it's just regular rocker, which is the best decision Burton has made with this board. Good for a beginner to a intermediate, the rocker makes it easy to turn and to learn how to actually use your edges. It's a soft board and very forgiving, allowing it be fun to goof around with, and for people really explore what type of riding they would like to focus on.