Burton Park Gloves - Men's - Baja
Burton Park Gloves - Men's
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Complete with a Nose wiping area
Posted by Joe M (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/5/2017

Pros: Grip on glove, tight wrist cuff, warm liner, true to size fit
Cons: not many color styles

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Want a glove thats not over bulky and makes it feel like you can actually use your hands without taking your glove off and risking frostbite or cooties? Get a park glove. Complete with a spot on the top to wipe off that hard earned runny nose, these gloves are pretty sweet. The liner is thin but warm and waterproof. The wrist cuff tightens nicely keeping snow and air out. The palm and fingers have grip worked in so you can pull off that rad truck driver grab with no problem.