Marmot Expedition Mitts - Men's - Black
Marmot Expedition Mitts - Men's
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Outdoor Winter Nut
Posted by Baker from Midwest on 12/19/2019

Pros: warm
Cons: no inner liner you can wash.

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

After a whole day of riding dune buggies in the snow in 10 degree weather going up to 45 mph, my two friends could not feel their fingers. My fingers were toasty warm.

warmest ever
Posted by Laurie (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/12/2018

Pros: warm warm warm, like a duvet on your hands.
Cons: huge boxy look and long cuff.

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I used to wear this mitten and always looked like a professional boxer skiing down the mountain, but I was warm. Marmot then came out with the Warmest Mitt for ladies, so I switched to that, but I still like the Expedition mitt for warmth. Not just for men, hence why it comes in XS and S.

Best mittens
Posted by Andrew (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/19/2017

Pros: comfy, warn, soft, windproof

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Warmest mittens in the world even on the coldest days you hands will still be toasty.

Posted by a customer on 2/18/2013

Pros: long cuffs line for around wrists

Would you recommend this product to a friend? No

I've worn these mittens five days a week for the past two and a half weeks. The leather is starting to wear off and has small cuts in places. In single digit temperatures my hands are still not warm, but I can survive. I am not super active when I wear these gloves. I'm pruning apple trees. I tend to be a very cold person and my fingers get the worst of it. In negative wind chills I wear an additional glove liner. I'm glad I have these mittens. They are the warmest I've ever owned, but I'm very disappointed that the leather isn't holding up.