Union Atlas Bindings - Men's - Matte Black
Union Atlas Bindings - Men's
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Posted by Joey (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/21/2016

Pros: One of the most responsive bindings and very versatile.
Cons: I will let you know when I do

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

These are one of the most versatile bindings out there! Perfect for the all mountain rider.They are a little on the stiffer side but super responsive. Great bindings for those dreamy powder days and very capable for ripping on groomers. Two thumbs up for these bindings!

Awesome sauce!
Posted by grom (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/8/2016

Pros: Canted foot beds, reliable parts
Cons: A little heavy

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

The canted foot beds feel great! If you have knee or ankle problems look for this binding!