Airhole Star Wars Balaclava - Chewey
Airhole Star Wars Balaclava
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you are my father
Posted by Melissa P (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/25/2016

Pros: warm
Cons: No princess L

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I get so many compliments on this mask. it keeps me warm but keeps the sweat and wet breath away from my face. high functional fashion

Posted by Wyatt (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/24/2016


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Okay just imagine this... Your wearing this mask then you send it off a huge kicker as you scream and try to make Chewbacca noises. Not only that but it keeps your face warm while shredding the slopes. But the best part is you can be a storm trooper and Darth Vader. Imagine how much fun you could have with these face masks and your friends!