Burton Leather Belt - True Black
Burton Leather Belt
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Best Belt Money Can Buy
Posted by Matt M. (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 11/3/2016

Pros: Strong, luxurious leather, fitment
Cons: may be too wide for some types of pant belt loops

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I bought this belt because I needed something that was going to be able to hold up my pants. This belt did that and then some. I wear it all the time with snowboard pants as well as casual off-mountain clothing. The full grain cowhide is very durable and luxurious. I love this belt and always bring it up in conversations with family and friends. So much so that they all started calling me "beltloop."

Burton belt
Posted by Patrick (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/6/2016

Pros: leather, durable, fits well with burton, and other types of pants
Cons: none

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

works perfect with my burton pants. plenty notches to buckle. fine leather belt. keeps the snow out of my pants when i fall in deep snow