Lucky Bums Fall Line Ski Trainer
Lucky Bums Fall Line Ski Trainer
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If you are up to it it will make your kid a speed demon
Posted by Ted D (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/30/2018

Pros: If you use it too long they don't want to go without as now they need to work harder.
Cons: Sometimes a Hula Hoop works better for the first day or two.

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I used this when my daughter was little. The thing that inhibits learning how to ski is fear. This product takes the fear away from your little one. You can help hold them up and control their speed which eliminates most of the fear. If you are up to it they can let the skis run and get the feel of easy movements down the hill. Plus there's handle to lift them up onto the chair or off the ground makes the parents life so much easier.

awesome training device
Posted by Mark s (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/24/2016

Pros: Super easy, lightweight

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

This one item does it all. It has leashes stowed in the pack so you can control the speed and turn of the child you are teaching. Also has a strong handle to lift them up after taking a spill, and also lift them up onto the chairlift.