Burton Double Beeracuda 4L Cooler Bag - Cactus
Burton Double Beeracuda 4L Cooler Bag
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Best Beverage Carrier Ever
Posted by Tiffany O. (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 11/5/2020

Pros: Everything
Cons: None

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Perfect way to keep your beverages cold, whether it's to the beach, concert or backyard bbq. Me my husband and our friends enjoy going to truck shows and rodeos, outdoor line dancing events and this is a great way to carry in your drinks without lugging the giant cooler around. Bonus was the cactus print because I love cactus'!

Double the Beverage
Posted by Chris (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/23/2017


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

This beverage holder is perfect if your are planning on doing any sort of back country hiking or camping. With the capacity of 10 cold ones, and an insulated liner, you will never get dehydrated on the hill again.

never leave your road sodas at home
Posted by Miguel (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/27/2016

Pros: convenient

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I've used this multiple times and the shoulder strap makes it easy to carry. it also keeps your road sodas nice and cool so when your ready to enjoy they are still cold