The North Face TKA 100 Microvelour Glacier 1/4 Zip Fleece - Men's - Noah Green
The North Face TKA 100 Microvelour Glacier 1/4 Zip Fleece - Men's
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Keep selling this model
Posted by best version on 8/20/2020

Pros: best shirt ever
Cons: out of stock

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Best sweat shirt I have ever owned. Nothing fancy, looks great and keeps you worm.

Northface Zip Fleece
Posted by Alex S (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/28/2017

Pros: Zipper, light, comfortable, lots of mobility

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

This super light-weight, zip-up fleece is a great mid-layer for any outdoor excursion.